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Categories most commonly used w/our clients...

All of these are FREE to the employer, or are billed on a performance-based, or contingent-based scale only. None require a change in vendor or current systems. We are not selling the service, we are creating efficiencies  and locating savings with existing vendors and suppliers. More than 90% of clients see significant savings!

AP Automation/Virtual Cards
Same Day Pay
Shipping Solutions
Energy Audits
Merchant Services
Zero-Cost Processing
Cost Segregation Studies
Health Care Programs
B2B Class Action

Commercial Property Tax Mitigation
Wireless Services
Laundry/Linen/Shop Supplies
Workers Compensation Insurance
Unclaimed Property
Hiring Tax Incentives (WOTC, etc.)
Employer Tax Credits (CARES,
   C-ERC, D-ERC, etc.)
R&D Tax Credits

In most categories, the client is able to save 15-50%. For example, with Energy Audits, the typical savings is between 25-50% of current expenditures. Commercial Property tax savings are typically closer to 15-20% savings, albeit on larger values. However, in almost all categories, the savings is not just in the current year, but carries forward indefinitely, and in many cases the savings can be made retro-actively to include prior years!
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